Mustangs Photo Days
Sat Nov 09, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: Kinsmen Arena - Upstairs
Barry Field Photography is booked on
Sat Nov 9 and Sun Nov 10th from 10-4pm at Kinsmen arena; upstairs in Multipurpose Room 2.
All players and coaches need to get to Kinsmen during these 2 dates.
Players and Coaches can go
anytime that suits them during those 2 dates and get their individual photo done,
Kinsmen has a Central location for all and no team has a tournament that weekend.
All Players are to Wear Purple Jerseys and full equipment (no skates or helmets). Dressing rooms will be available to use. Coaches dress like its a game.
Barry will create a group team portrait from those individual photos and privately post a private individual team photo gallery of each player that can be viewed for purchase.
All players will receive a Team Photo and Barry will have packages for purchase
(pricing options attached - note the printer uses a high quality card stock for the 'player cards' and that order size is the minimum batch)
We are aiming for a Quick turnaround with the target completion being Jr Mustangs Day December 7th. Note: retakes will be scheduled for a future weeknight.
Barry is local, innovative and experienced in team sports and has a studio in London. He will deliver high quality images with custom graphics.
Note: retakes will be scheduled for a future weeknight.
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