PMC Skating, News, U11 Mustangs - Atom White, 2023-2024, Jr Mustangs (London Junior Mustangs)


This Team is part of the 2023-2024 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Jan 06, 2024 | Nicholas Hillman | 101 views
PMC Skating
Paul Mclean Skating has been added to the schedule, in unison with 4 scheduled Monday Practices. His sessions are pure powerskating.
Goalies are also included in the skating portion. They can either wear their equipment or just wear basic hockey equipment. We can also have goalie coaches out to work with them for an hour. If you have any further questions, Coach Flick should be able to answer them.

About Paul

Paul McLean has been skating since he was 2 ½ and coaching since 2010.

Paul's goal as a coach is to provide the skaters with all the tools required to accomplish their goals. No matter the size of a skater's goal, it is the coach's role to enable and empower athletes to surmount obstacles and complete whatever task is at hand. A coach’s job is to assist a skater through this process and have fun while doing so.

Paul has trained under international level coaches, mentored by top level National and International coaches. He is Level 1 NCCP Certified and CanPowerSkate Certified.


Base Coach

Dance Partnering

Jump and Spin




Power Skating



Senior Level Single Competitive

Senior Level Dance Competitive

Trained Pairs Skating