May 23, 2016 | Sduncan | 1858 views
Final Roster
Thank you to all the boys for everything, all the hard work and effort has made these decisions very difficult. if your name is not listed below please register with your home association MD tryouts.
Congratulations to the following
K. Kruska,
A. Arellano,
L. Cho,
B. Sparks,
J. Mugford,
M. Pezzutto-Lavac,
N. Jacob,
A. Lee,
J. Tidgwell,
N. Stranges,
G. Sotriadis,
N. Thibodeau,
C. Caruso,
T. Burnett,
E. Eterno
Please send contact info to me via the website
Thank you
Your Bantam Jr. Mustangs coaching staff