Parent Meeting, News, Minor Peewee, Minor Peewee, 2015-2016, Purple (London Junior Mustangs)


This Team is part of the 2015-2016 season, which is not set as the current season.
News Article
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May 26, 2015 | Rgriffiths | 1077 views
Parent Meeting
There will be a mandatory Parent Meeting (at least one) on Wednesday June 3rd, at 7pm at the Oakridge Optimist Room. The room is located directly beside the entrance to the Oakridge Arena. 

Please bring your first cheque for team fees in the amount of $300.00, payable to "London Junior Mustangs Minor Peewee Purple". We we will be discussing tournaments, budgets, team wear, sponsorships, fundraising, parent responsibilities etc.

There is a park with a playground directly beside the rink if you need to bring any children, or players. The room is on the small side so unfortunately we are limited to parents only.

Thanks for your co-operation and see you all next Wednesday.