Sep 26, 2021 | Ben Charlebois | 1734 views
Tryouts Scheduled
Tryouts are scheduled for:
Monday September 27, 6:00-8:00 at Argyle
Wednesday September 29, 5:30-7:30 at Argyle
Friday October 1, 6:00-8:00 at Bostwick
Exhibition Games against Purple will take place:
Saturday October 2 at 5:30, Carling Arena
Sunday October 3 at 5:00, Bostwick Arena
We will let you know Friday who will be playing in each exhibition game.
Please arrive at the rink 20 minutes prior to your ice time, as close to fully dressed as possible. We will only be allowed into the rink 15 minutes before the tryout begins, and given limitations on dressing room capacity, we want to make sure everyone is able to get ready on time.
Parents and players are required to be masked and remain distanced at all times while inside the arena. Players may remove their masks when they put their helmets on immediately prior to getting on the ice.